The Number One Real Estate Investor’s Mistakes Everyone Does

Real Estate Investor's Mistakes

Don’t Be a Serial Learner: Take Action!

Hey there, Real Dealers,

I can’t stress this enough: don’t be a serial learner. I hear it all the time—investors spending months, even years, learning the business but not implementing a single thing. It’s like they’re stuck in this endless loop of watching videos and reading articles without ever taking the plunge.

The Trap of YouTube University

Sure, YouTube University is great. You can learn a ton of stuff there. But if you’re spending every day of the week glued to your screen, you’re missing the point. The key to success in this business isn’t just about absorbing information—it’s about taking action.

Action + Offers = Profit

Here’s the formula you need to remember:

Action + Offers = Profit

That’s it. Simple, right? But so many people get caught up in the learning phase and never move on to the doing phase. And that’s where the magic happens.

Why Taking Action Matters

When you take action, you:

  • Learn by doing: Real-world experience trumps theoretical knowledge every time.
  • Make mistakes: And guess what? That’s okay! Real Estate Investor’s Mistakes are your best teachers.
  • Get feedback: You can’t improve what you don’t start.
  • Build momentum: Action creates momentum, and momentum leads to success.

Pros and Cons of Learning vs. Doing



  • Gain knowledge
  • Build confidence
  • Understand the basics


  • Analysis paralysis
  • No real-world experience
  • Delayed success



  • Real-world experience
  • Faster learning curve
  • Immediate feedback


  • Risk of mistakes
  • Initial discomfort
  • Potential for failure

My Personal Experience

When I first started, I was guilty of being a serial learner too. It took me well over a year to close my first real estate deal. I spent countless hours watching videos, attending seminars, and buying the latest and greatest REIA pitch fest course. But it wasn’t until I made my first offer that things started to click. Sure, Real Estate Investor’s Mistakes were part of my journey, but each one taught me something valuable.

Final Thoughts

So, if you’re serious about wholesaling, stop overloading on information and start taking action. Make offers, learn from your mistakes, and keep pushing forward. That’s how you’ll find success in this game.

Remember, action plus offers equal profit. Keep that in mind, and you’ll be on your way to crushing it in no time.

Happy house hunting!

Feel free to share your thoughts or experiences in the comments below. Let’s learn and grow together!


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We’ve been educating the DMV community for over 32 years, with meetup events, workshops, resources, mastermind program. Teaching cutting edge real estate and marketing strategies

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