The Truth About Using AI in Real Estate Deals

Using AI Agents

Hey there! There’s a lot of buzz about AI in real estate, especially when it comes to inbound and outbound closings. But let’s clear the air and dive into what’s really happening.

What’s an AI Agent in Real Estate?

When I talk about inbound and outbound closings, I’m referring to using an AI agent to close deals over the phone. This isn’t about some high-level tech doing all the heavy lifting—it’s about leveraging AI to help manage the process.

Current State of AI Agents

Right now, AI isn’t advanced enough to close deals entirely on its own. We’ve tested several platforms like Callara, Air AI, Synth Flow, and Call Key. While promising, they still have bugs. If you make 10 calls, you might get a good response rate on seven. So, it’s getting there, but it’s not perfect yet.

How It Works

Let’s break down the process:

  • Marketing Trigger: You need a powerful trigger to start the call—this could be a text, QR code, form, or phone number.
  • Initiation: Once the trigger is activated (like scanning a QR code), the AI agent initiates the call.
  • Information Gathering: The AI collects details from the seller but doesn’t close the deal. It connects them to a live person for that.

Example Process

Imagine a seller gets a postcard from my company, Reby Houses. It has a QR code with a message like “Scan me for an instant offer.” They scan it, and the AI agent calls them to start gathering information.

Here’s a snippet of a real AI agent conversation:
AI: Thank you for calling Chucky Bu Lucky Houses. This is Morgan, your AI agent. How can I help you?
Seller: I’m trying to sell my property.
AI: Of course, I’d be happy to assist. May I have your name, please?
Seller: Charles Blair.

You get the idea. The AI handles basic questions and collects information but doesn’t close the deal. It passes the info to a live person who takes it from there.

Importance of the Prompt

The success of your AI agent heavily depends on the prompts you program it with. These prompts need to handle objections, provide company info, and ensure smooth conversation flow. Think of the prompt as 75% of the whole operation.

Testing and Challenges

You need to test rigorously. Try to “break” the agent by giving it unexpected responses and see how it handles them. For instance, if you talk too slowly, the AI might jump in awkwardly.

Best Use Cases

AI agents are perfect for after-hours inquiries. They gather initial information and set up a live follow-up. But don’t expect them to replace human closers just yet.

Pros and Cons of Using AI Agents


  • 24/7 Availability: Great for after-hours inquiries.
  • Efficiency: Can handle multiple calls simultaneously.
  • Consistency: Delivers the same message every time.


  • Delay: There’s often a slight delay in responses.
  • Limitations: AI can’t close deals yet; it can only initiate conversations.

Final Thoughts

In summary:

  • AI agents are great for initiating conversations.
  • They need robust prompts and thorough testing.
  • Don’t expect them to replace human interaction.

Want to see the actual prompts we use? Drop a comment below, and I’ll share them with you.

That’s all for today. What do you think? Is AI in real estate 50% there, 75% there, or just hype? Let me know in the comments!

Catch you in the next post!


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We’ve been educating the DMV community for over 32 years, with meetup events, workshops, resources, mastermind program. Teaching cutting edge real estate and marketing strategies

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